Graphics Drivers Improved: Preliminary road support in the Taito Z games. [David Graves] Sound Drivers Improved: Added support for using AY8910 and YM2203 at the same time, fixing sound in City Connection. [Tatsuyuki Satoh] Sound in Money Money and Jack Rabbit. [Nicola Salmoria] Changes to Source: Changed vector games to use direct RGB modes. [Mathis Rosenhauer] New data type pen_t, use it instead of UINT32 when dealing with pens and colortables. MAME Testers bugs fixed (there are probably more): 3wonders054gre artwork054gre bssoccer054gre bublbobl054red cps2c054ora drtoppel054gre galaxian053gre ghostb054yel holeland37b10gre konami054red madmotor054gre mrgoemon37b9gre offroad054gre sharkatt37b15red stfight054red tailg054gre ym2151_054yel New games supported: Ninja Baseball Batman [Bryan McPhail] Sports Match [Sports Match] Zero Hour [David Haywood] Sky Smasher [David Graves] New York New York [Darren Olafson] Crazy Rally [Mathis Rosenhauer] Space Fortress [Mike Coates] Ultraman Club - Tatakae! Ultraman Kyoudai!! [Luca Elia] New clones supported: Dream Soccer '94 (Japan) Space Invaders DX (Japan v2.0) Typhoon (= Ajax) Rambo III (Europe set 2) Space Invaders DX (US) The Hand (=Got-Ya) Ms. Pacman Champion Edition / Super Zola Pac Gal Kuri Kinton (Japan, US) Blomby Car (encrypted)